United Airlines

…por T. Warney de Washington a Nevada. Fue en la historia reciente, en particular en el año 2010, que hubo una fusión con la aerolínea Continental. Gracias a esto, se…

La tumba del duodécimo rey

…un décimotercero y último rey en la dinastía después de él, pero aparentemente nadie sabe quién era, aquel niño número 13. Aquello es lo que nos contó nuestro guía, Mr.Son.

The ultimate shoe shop

…me was the warehouse of the lasts. There were more than 10000 pair of shoe lasts there. Apparently when a pair has not been used for 5 years, they would…

Sightseeing in Takayama

…Jinyas all over Japan, but this is the only one left intact. It was a surprisingly large wooden building. Especially I was surprised to see the huge warehouse of annual…

Learn about Otaru

…case, the shop and warehouse are made of stone, but residential space are wooden. ” For Japanese people, living space has to be wooden” said the Rickshaw driver, who guided…

Nothing but potatoes

…sweet potatoes. Apparently he made one potato of 5 kg recently. For the lunch, we went to one of the restaurants along the main street of warehouse style houses. What…