Hasta Leith para comer seafood

…aprender a prepararla. Mi postre fue Pavlova, que tenía la forma de una hamburguesa. El merengue fue un poco duro para mi gusto. Mi marido eligió una fuente de queso…

The sushi and the big waves, suitable for New Year

…husband’s was “traditional” and mine “freestyle”. It is colourfully served on a black plate, which was a pleasant effect for the eyes. ‘Freestyle’ sushi with fried food My husband’s sushi…

Pranzo a base di pesce a Catterline

…gli involtini primavera, e sono rimasta sorpresa. Avevo immaginato qualcosa come un involtino di aragosta come quello che avevamo mangiato molte volte in Canada. Inoltre, sono rimasta delusa perché c’era…

The small town of Kotohira

…is based on tourism. I’m thinking that in Japan there is a fusion of mysticism and nature and the tourism makes it possible not to change that by supporting the…

Japanese restaurant in Italy

[June, 2012] In Italy, Japanese foods are popular, too. I went to a restaurant called ‘ Kokoro’ in Sesto San Giovanni, just outside of Milan. This one serves fusion cooking…

The grave of 12th king

…the fusion of East and West. It was mainly made of stone or concrete, which you can say that it’s a Western influence. By the way, this Khai Ding was…

Deambulando por Madrid en busca de un restaurante

…información en su menú, algunos estudiantes de la famosa escuela de cocina francesa, Le Cordon Bleu, abrieron este restaurante y parecía nuevo. Sirven platos de fusión, especialmente había algunas influencias…

Air France

Air France (Formalmente Société Air France, S.A.), estilizada como AIRFRANCE, es la compañía francesa de bandera con sede en Tremblay-en-France (al norte de París). El centro global de la aerolínea…