
Gorgeous pendant

On the day we walked along the walking course in Toledo in my guide book, we went to Taller del Moro, but found that it was closed. So instead, we went into…


Was the waiter Don Quihote?

On the second day of our stay in Toledo, Spain, after visiting the cathedral, we had our lunch in a restaurant nearby called Aurelio. This was listed in our guide book. On the…


Quality gallery

Within Toledo Cathedral in Spain, there is an art gallery. The most important painting there is El Greco’s “El Expolio” located at the front. The red robe was vivid. This painting was…



There is a room called Chapter Chamber at the end of the cathedral of Toledo, Spain. Here there were a row of the portraits of successive archbishops. Of course the earliest ones…


Gorgeous cathedral

I have visited many churches in various places, but this cathedral in Toledo in Spain was the most gorgeous one so far. The guidebook I bought …


View from Alcazar

The highest point in Toledo, Spain is Alcazar (palace). Originally it was built as a Roman palace in the 3rd century and in the 10th century it was rebuilt as a fortress…


Museum which we could not enter

On the second day of our stay in Toledo in Spain, we started walking along the walking course in my guide book. We went through Arch of Blood from Zocodover square to…



Our hotel in Toledo, Spain was facing Plaza Zocodover. This square seemed an important place in Toledo because my guide book introduces it first thing as Toledo sights. I thought the name…


Restaurant which used to be a palace

For the first dinner in Toledo, Spain, we went to a restaurant called La Abadia, which was recommended by the person in our hotel. We arrived there at around 7:45 pm. The…