World biggest book shop

…conference, that Christina hated computers and she did not allow her staff to use them, either. Now this Foyles is going to move from the current place which their flag…


…Antony Gormley. I had heard that the statues of himself are on the beach, but never imagined this vast space. The length of the beach is 3.2 km and 100

Shop assistants in London

…So they show their feeling, ‘ I just have to be here from X o’clock to X o’clock’ very clearly. When a customer comes in, it is just a nuisance…

Summer holiday feeling

[June 2012] We had a walk in the town of Lipari, which is the largest in Eolian Islands in Italy. The atmosphere there was 100% summer holiday! In the main…

Il villaggio fatto di marmo

…la vita delle persone di 100 anni fa. La stanza era molto carina con molti di questi abiti cuciti a mano, uguali a quelli che avevo comprato il giorno prima….

Town of sculpture

…mainly in Paris. The gate in this photo is called “the Gate of Kiss”. According to our friend, the couple who kissed under this gate can stay together 100 years….

Monastero scavato nella roccia in Ucraina

…stato costruito all’interno di una roccia calcarea e ciò è impressionante. Durante l’epoca Sovietica fu chiuso, ma dopo il collasso del regime fu riaperto ed ora ci vivono circa 100

La famiglia degli zar a Yalta

[Luglio, 2013] Il palazzo Livadia dove si tenne la conferenza di Yalta in Ucraina fu costruito originariamente come ritiro estivo per l’ultimo zar dei Romanov nel 1911. La rivoluzione russa…