
The restaurant of LivingSocial deal

I wonder how many people are using GroupOn or LivingSocial and so on. One couple of our friends are using LivingSocial a lot and when we go out with them, we buy the…


The restaurant with a Japanese sign

We had our last diner in Venice in this restaurant with a Japanese sign, saying ‘Open’. This was recommended by my Gondolier, Mario. Some Japanese tourists may hesitate to enter because of this…


Buy Murano Glass

I went to Murano island which is famous for its glass making from Venice.It took 40 minutes by Water Bus No.4.When we all got off at last, there was a not-so-impressive old man…


Golden Basilica di San Marco

I went into Basilica di San Marco in Venice.The golden ceiling and the marble floor are marvelous.To enter into the church is free, but if you want to see the gold screen…


‘Phoenix’ theatre

I visited the famous Teatro La Fenice in Venice.It was only a visit unfortunately.This theatre is exactly like its name, phoenix.From the first, this was open in 1792 to be a successor of…


Fantastic scenery

After dinner I had near Piazza San Marco in Venice, I came back to the Piazza itself and got really surprised to see the fantstic scenery.The water which once went down, had come…


Snail staircase

The man of the handmade mask shop recommended me to visit this Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo.It is the end of 15th century building and the staircase remined them of the shell of…