
Cave church

5 km towards Albania, away from the town Struga, north of Lake Ohrid in Macedonia is a place called Kalista. Here there is this cave church called St. Bogorodica. According to the guide, around 13th century, it was a trendy thing to do for monks to hide away from people’s living places and to stay in caves…


Where water flows out

 One day during our stay in Ohrid in Macedonia, we had our own guide and went to Struga, which is north side of the lake. Here the water from the lake flows out into…


Boat on Lake Ohrid

We took a boat trip on the Lake Ohrid. The boatman did not speak very much English, but told us ‘ Here, the depth is about 10m, but over there it is about 300m’…


At St.Sofia

 This is a 11th century church called St.Sofia in Ohrid, Macedonia. It was built on the site of even older basilica and in the era of Ottoman Turkey, it was used as a mosque….


Small woman

 This woman was selling some cheap,  half broken accessories on a box, on the shore of Lake Ohrid, Macedonia. She was so small and pretty and I really wanted to take her photo, so…


Lake Ohrid

 One of the highlights of this Ancient Macedonia tour we joined was this Lake Ohrid. It is listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO and the best summer resort in Macedonia. The town was…


Black wrap‐around skirt

 This is a monastery in Macedonia called St.Jovan Bigorski, which is famous for its intricate iconostasis. In this tour, we visited many churches and monasteries, but this is the only one that women had…


Shopska Salad

This dish is called Shopska Salad, which we ate many times in Macedonia. In Japan it is introduced as a Bulgarian dish. It is the same thing. A simple salad with pieces of…


Strange new town

 All over the new part of Skopje, Macedonia was under construction. They were building or renewing theatres, museums and so on, which is somewhat understandable, but the strange thing is that they were making…