
Learn about Cuba while excursing to Cienfuegos

On the third day in Trinidad, Cuba, we went down to the hotel lobby at 9 am and boarded the Miguel’s taxi arranged by travel agent, Carlos. Miguel was an English-speaking driver and…


From Trinidad to Playa Ancon

On the morning of the second day in Trinidad, Cuba, it was arranged to meet a person from a travel agency. As promised, we met a man named Carlos at the hotel at…


From Trinidad to Playa Ancon

On the morning of the second day in Trinidad, Cuba, it was arranged to meet a person from a travel agency. As promised, we met a man named Carlos at the hotel at…


Cuba, Trinidad

These are our photos taken in Trinidad in Cuba in 2010.


Arriving Havana in Cuba

We visited Cuba for this year’s Easter holiday. After 9 pm, we settled down in room 24 of the old and quite luxurious hotel Florida in Havana, the capital. The ceiling was high…