Coming back to life in Brighton

Coming back to life in Brighton

[Apr. 2021] In England, where we live, the lockdown regulations, which we have been in for so long,  have finally been gradually relaxed.

The number of deaths per day due to the Covid19 exceeded 1800 at one time, but due to the success of vaccine measures, it has now dropped to around 10 people, which is about the level of last summer.

From April 12th, you can eat at the restaurant outdoors.

Victoria Station in London where the Brighton train starts
going to Brighton from Victoria Station

We are currently waiting for a second vaccination, but we are told that a single vaccination is effective to some extent, so we decided to take the plunge and go out of London.

It’s been 7 months since we’ve been out of London!

Whitstable we went at the end of September last year was the last time.

The destination this time is Brighton, an easy option.

Whenever we went from London to Brighton, we took the train from London Bridge Station, but this time I found out that we could also go from Victoria Station.

inside the train to Brighton
the train was empty

From our home, we chose Victoria Station because it is relatively safe (without taking the underground trains).

On Friday morning, the train was empty and we went to Brighton safely without feeling scared.

It’s about an hour’s journey.

However, we were worried about the weather.

It was forecast that the temperature would be low and 70% chance of rain.

So despite the end of April, I wore a winter coat.

Certainly, when we got off at the station, it was dim and I could feel cold wind.

beautiful Brighton Station
blue pillars and the curve are lovely at Brighton Station

Brighton’s station has a beautiful blue skeleton and curves, and I take a lot of pictures every time I come.

It is said that the station has a history from 1840 – 41, and the current appearance is the result of renovation from 1999 to 2000.

We were already hungry, so we went to Pret a Manger (a chain cafe you see everywhere) on the premises of the station for cappuccino and croissants.

It wasn’t inside the store inside the station, but outside the store, but inside the station.

Is this also recognized as an “outdoor table”?

windows at Brighton Station
lovely design of windows at Brighton Station

Sure, it wasn’t “dense” anyway.

When we went out to the station after using the toilet (it looked like a pay toilet with a barrier, but it was free), the sun was shining.


As usual, we went down a bright main street, Surrey Street towards the sea.

a street in Brighton
lively bright street in Brighton

There was quite a lot of traffic, and in a lively atmosphere, I felt that the breath I had held unknowingly in my lockdown life was naturally blown back.

Suddenly, I noticed the colourful ground on the left side.

Attracted by the colours, we went off the main street towards there.