
On The Way Back From Ikema Island

On Ikema Island, a small island located north of Miyako-jima, in Okinawa in Japan, we went to see a rock with a heart-shaped hole. This was apparently used in a popular drama…


To Ikema Island

On the fourth day on Miyako-jima, one of the islands in Okinawa prefecture in Japan, we hired a taxi again and this time went to Ikema Island, which is in the north…


An Excellent Restaurant in Miyako-jima

When we looked around the souvenir shops in Hirara-cho in Miyako-jima, which is in Okinawa prefecture, Japan, the most noticeable thing was the goods related to Mamoru-kun. Mamoru-kun is a policeman doll…


Bathing and Sunset on Miyako-jima

It was around 3 pm when we got back to our hotel by taxi, after touring around Miyako-jima in Okinawa prefecture in Japan. There were 6 restaurants in Tokyu Hotel & Resorts,…


Climb Up The Lighthouse at Higashi Hennazaki

We started walking towards the end of the narrow peninsula of Higashi Hennazaki on Miyako-jima, one of the islands of Okinawa prefecture in Japan. This peninsula is about 2km long, 160 metres…


Very Quiet Theme Park on Miyako-jima and Mr. Taira

I continue talking about our taxi tour on Miyako-jima, one of the islands in Okinawa prefecture in Japan. The next place we visited was a theme park called “Ueno German Cultural Village”….