Salt Lake with Flamingos

Salt Lake with Flamingos

[ Apr.2015 ] During our holiday in Cyprus, we joined the tour which took us around the southern side of the island.

The first destination was Larnaca Salt Lake.

Here, we could see wild flamingos.

They were so far away that I could not take photos, though.

The mosque in this photo is called Hala Sultan Tekke and it was built in the 18th century.

According to the legend, this salt lake used to be a big vineyard.

One day, Saint Lazarus passed by and being thirsty, asked the owner for some grapes.

But the owner refused and lied that the contents of the basket were not grapes but salt.

To punish him, the saint changed the vineyard into the salt lake.

Before coming here, we stopped for a coffee near the ruins of Choirokoitia without visiting the ruins.

We only listened to the explanation.

Apparently, in the ruins they found the buried body in the shape of a foetus.

The guide said that they probably believed in reincarnation.

According to the guide book, scientists think that about 2,000 people started living here around 6800 BC.