Kabuki show

Kabuki show

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting.

[April, 2013] During my stay in the small town of Kotohira, in Japan, I had the opportunity to see a Kabuki show, thanks to my friend Shogo’s help.

This form of theartre was born in Japan in early 17th century and it is a cultural symbol of this town that was formed in that period.

According to my guide book, this theatre called Kyukonpira Oshibai (great theatre of Konpira) was built in 1835 and it is the oldest Kabuki theatre in Japan.

There are shows only one month in a year, so not surprisingly the tickets were all sold out..

The audience are captivated by dances, songs,actobats and so on, and even people who don’t speak a good Japanese can appreciate and be fascinated, though the Japanese they spoke on the stage was very complicated and old fashioned.

All actors are men and they play female roles too.

The show lasted for 3 hours with 2 breaks for 25 minutes each.

In the theatre the atmosphere was so charming that I felt as if I were sent into a surreal world..