[ Aug.2017 ] In the afternoon of the eighth day of our cruise tour in Russia, we finally arrived in Moscow, our last destination.
Soon after we arrived, our Kremlin tour started.
The local guide on the day looked just like “Masha and the bear”(Russian animation)’s Masha being older and her name was Masha.
She seemed an experienced guide and she moved forward through huge numbers of tourists including the Chinese groups which we did not see during our sailing, so we could enter Kremlin without waiting too long.
We got in from Troitskaya Tower and there were guardsmen standing on both sides.
Masha told us that they were there only in summer for tourists.
The bare looking building we saw soon after entering was the newest building in the Kremlin called the State Kremlin Palace built in 1961.
During the Soviet era, the congresses of the Communist Party were held here, but now it is used as a concert hall.
I leaned later that you can get the tickets for this concert hall at the ticket office just outside of Kremlin.
After this palace we saw a yellow building, the Kremlin Senate, where Lenin lived.
Stalin lived here for a while, too, but he was so suspicious that he changed his room again and again.
Stalin was the last person to live there and all other General Secretaries chose not to live in Kremlin.
We also saw a huge cannon called “Tsar Cannon” which was made in the late 16th century and it is the largest in the world, but it has never been used.
There was a huge bell, too.
And that was the “Tsar Bell” which was made in the early 18th century and it is as heavy as 200 tons, so again it has never been used.
After that, we queued to enter the Cathedral of the Dormition.
We were not allowed to take photos inside unfortunately.
This cathedral was built in the 15th century, designed by an Italian architect called Aristotele Fioravanti.
Here the successive Tsars were anointed, the first of which was Ivan the Terrible.
The inside of Russian churches including this one are gorgeous with full of frescoes and icons but the difference here was that the pillars were not usual square ones, but round.
I think I heard Masha saying during her explanation about a fresco ” The worst sin in Russia is a bad mood”.
I wonder if I misheard her…?