[ Oct.2015 ] That night, we strolled around the town of Sorrento.
Some shops were still open and one of them was an inlaid wood workshop.
We watched how they worked and observed their collection.
In the end, we bought a music box and a small picture.
The name of the shop was Calemma and, according to the elderly owner, people in Sorrento have been making the inlaid wood for about 500 years.
This shop was established in 1910.
Apparently, he started working at the age of 7.
He said ” Unless you start early, you cannot learn this art”.
And “The most important thing is passion.
It is not the sort of thing you can calculate by the hourly wage” he said.
He showed us “The Last Supper ” of Da Vinci that he was making.
It felt familiar because we had seen the real one just a few days before.
There was one very attractive large picture of a woman with one wing at the back of the shop.
I wish we had a wall to hang it on…..