
Lively Kusadasi

We stayed in Kusadasi in Turkey for two nights. When we went out to the town after dinner, we found thousands of people walking around. The town was full of the feeling of…


Mystery of Karsiyaka

 The time staying in the bus was very long during the trip of the west Turkey group tour. On this day, it was particularly long. According to our guide, a photo stop was scheduled…


Schliemann was a thief

We went to see the famous Troy with our tour group. I remember learning Schliemann as a remarkable person who fulfilled his dream and belief that Troy really existed, but in fact, he…


Across to Asia

 Turkey is the country standing both in Asia and Europe. Today our tour went across Dardanelles to Asia, though I did not feel anything particular. The town on the Asian shore was Canakkale. Our…


Gallipoli, where a lot of lives were lost

The first place our group tour visited was Gallipoli peninsula. I did not know but in WW1, a lot of lives were lost here. It seems that because the Allied Forces did not…


Topkapi Palace

 In Istanbul, we went to see Topkapi Palace first. Unfortunately a lot of parts were under renovation work, but we enjoyed the beautiful tiles there. In the famous Harem, they took female slaves from…


Thunderstorm in Istanbul

We had a holiday in Turkey. I have not been here for a long time. This time we joined a group tour which went around the west side of the country. Before the…


Lots of seals

 After the ferry left Esbjerg in Denmark, we went out to the deck and saw some very shallow islands. And on them, there were a lot of seals ( I mean seals or sea…


Somewhat apprehensive in Esbjerg

Our Danish holiday is ending. We came back to Esbjerg where the ferry to and from the UK leave. We had a bit of time, so went into the centre of the town…