[ Dec.2015 ] On the day when we arrived in the Lake District of Chile, we had an excursion from Puerto Varas where we were staying to the east into Vicente Perez Rosales National Park.
First, we went to see Petrohue Fall.
It seemed a popular tourist spot and there were so many people that we had to wait to take photos.
After that we went to Todos Los Santos Lake.
We took a boat to go around the lake.
Our tour leader knew the owner of the boat.
The tour leader said “Oh, you changed the boat.
It is bigger now”, then the proud owner replied “Yes, because our honey has been selling very well”.
The Lake District is a volcano district as well.
We saw not only the beautiful Osorno Volcano which is like Mt.Fuji in Japan, but also Calbuco Volcano which is 2015 metres tall, which was not so picturesque.
This volcano erupted as recently as last April.
The people around the lake including the boat owner thought “the end of the world had finally arrived” as it became very dark all over the place.
While we were on the boat, we glimpsed another volcano called Puntiagudo, too.