Cemetery, cathedral and university

Cemetery, cathedral and university

Every list of things to see in Glasgow, Scotland includes the Necropolis. From the name, I imagined it to be some sort of ancient ruin, but during the walking tour, I discovered that...


A cone is one of the symbols of the city

The walking tour we participated in in Glasgow, Scotland ended in front of the Museum of Modern Art. The main point is that the statue of Lord Wellington here is wearing a cone….


A saint called Mungo

On our short trip to Scotland, on the last day we took a walking tour of Glasgow. It started at 10:30am from George Square. Our guide, a lady named Liz, spoke clearly and…


The last place was Glencoe

On our one-day Scottish Highlands tour, the first stop after lunch was Stalker Castle. However, just like 13 years ago, we only looked at it from a distance. Last time when we saw…


Visit Melrose Abbey

On the last Saturday of our one-month stay in Edinburgh, the weather was not good, but we visited Melrose in southern Scotland as planned. Again, I’ve been there once with my parents long…


Excursion to Nara

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting. During my stay in Osaka we decided to go to Nara for one day. Nara was the first capital of Japan. It took us almost one hour…

Miranda Friends

Visiting an exhibition of Ukiyo-e

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting. A lot of people in Italy know the artist Katsushika Hokusai and his works, for example “the wave” or “36 views of mount Fuji”. They are on...

Try to make a silver accessory

We originally planned to go to Jogasaki from Izu Atagawa in Japan, but because we noticed a leaflet of the silver studio “A&M”, we changed our tickets for Izu Kogen, while the...

All Nippon Airways

According to company’s official website, in December 1952, Japan Helicopter & Aeroplane Transports Co., Ltd was established with the goal of restoring regular air transportation services disrupted by WW II. The company started a helicopter...

Bread salad

This is a photo of the Bread Salad we ate in Monsanto in Portugal. It was very different from Italian Panzanella which is a salad dish with bread in it. This one...

An Excellent Hotel in Alghero

We went to Sardinia in Italy for the first time in eight years. The last time we went to the southeast part of the island, but this time, we went to the...

the restaurant we liked in Alghero

It was Saturday next day in Alghero, the town in Sardinia, Italy. We did not work on the day. We had some flat peaches for breakfast, did washing and went out to...

When in Otaru, eat sushi

There is a “Sushi Street” in Otaru in Hokkaido, Japan, where there are as many as 20 sushi restaurants.The Rickshaw driver's first choice was unfortunately closed on the day, so we went...