[Oct.2012] This time when we visited Milan, I looked at my guidebook thoroughly and got surprised to see the restaurant we often go for lunch was listed there.
The name is Ex Mauri and situated not far from the sky scraper of Lombardy local government office.
I like their cellar like interior and the menu which is not usual.
According to the book, the cooking they serve is Venetian.
The other day, I found some Japanese magazines there, which has articles about this restaurant.
So it is already famous in Japan.
But the prices are very reasonable.
Of course it is popular and if you go there a bit later, about half of their menu are sold out.
The menu itself is a piece of paper and changes everyday.
By the way, around here a lot of expensive flats are being built.
I heard that the average price, I mean AVERAGE is 2 million euro.
They are still in the process of construction, but about 80% are already sold.
Those top brands shops of the Golden Quad are apparently planning to open shops here, too.
I suppose the price of this restaurant will change before long…