Madonna del Parto

Madonna del Parto

[ Nov.2014 ] This is a painting called ‘ Madonna del Parto’ by Piero della Francesca, the 15th century painter in Italy.

It was introduced at the entrance of Basilica of San Francesco in Arezzo, so we thought it would be there, but it was not.

We asked the staff there and found that it is in a village, Monterchi, which was not too far from Arezzo, so we decided to visit there.

It was a pretty village on the hill, but the museum of this painting was far down the hill.

There were other exhibits, but basically this museum was just for this painting.

The blue dress of Madonna was broken in the centre, which shows she was just about to have a baby.

The right hand is on her belly, which gives a gentle feeling of a mother and the left hand on her hip, which gives the feeling of the dignity.

The conposition which she stands as if she was on the stage is interesting, isn’t it.

According to the receptionist in the hotel in Arezzo, Francesca was the first to paint the pregnant Madonna.

We learned that Monterchi was his mother’s birthplace by the video in the other room.