Emilia Romagna

Hotel of poets

We stayed one night in a town called Lugo in Emilia Romagna in Italy. We were surprised to know that the hotel we stayed called Ala D’Oro had a long history. It…


Popular restaurant

We had lunch in a restaurant called Parlapa in Turin in Italy, which was recommended by our hotel. When we rang them to book a table, the staff said ” Please come…


Along the river Po

We walked along the river Po in Turin in Italy for a while. There was a notice at the end of  Ponte Vittorio Emanuele 1 and according to that, they built a…


Via Po in Turin

The taxi driver we met in Turin in Italy knew a lot of things in art history in his town.This street in the photo is Via Po, which links Piazza Reale and…


Symbol of the town

We did not have very much time to do the sightseeing in Turin in Italy this time, as we went there for business, but at least we looked up this town’s symbol,…


When we step out of the hotel

In the area of our hotel in Turin in Italy, there were many lovely villas.This one in the photo is called Casa Fenoglio Lafleur, built in 1902.The Art Nouveau style which was…


Family run hotel

I visited Turin in Italy for the first time. The hotel we stayed was Hotel Principi D’Acaja, a three star hotel housed in an early 20th century villa. It is located in…


Royal Villa of Monza

There is a Royal Villa in Monza in Lombardy, Italy.They have been working for the restoration for a long time, but now a part of it opened to public.We are only allowed…


De Chirico exhibition in Monza

In the site of Royal Villa in Monza, a town in the north Italy, they had an exhibition of De Chirico.He is one of my favourite painters.He was born in Greece in…