
Turner Contemporary that spoiled the landscape

From the train station of Margate, a seaside town in southeastern England, look to the right and you will see a unrefined white square warehouse further away beyond the old townscape. I told…


Not bad English wine, etc.

The restaurant we booked in Margate, a seaside town in southeastern England, was named Buoy and Oyster. We were guided to a seat by the window indoors, from which we could see the…


It was not a successful trip to Margate

We knew that this Sunday would be a hot and sunny, so we wanted to go to somewhere seaside and chose Margate in southeastern England, which we had never been to before. We…


See the deer in Richmond Park

Richmond Park in a suburb of London, is said to be the largest royal park in London with 2500 acres. It is famous for having about 600 deer. I had been there by…


My miscellaneous thoughts about Edinburgh

I would like to write down what I noticed and what I was surprised at, during our one-month stay in Edinburgh, Scotland, which I could not cover so far. We stayed at an…


Our last dinner was in Leith

Our one-month stay in Edinburgh has finally reached its final night. When we started, I thought it would be a long month, but when it was over, I felt it was very quick….