
Morning in fog

When we got up in the morning, Monsanto village in Portugal was in thick fog. We had a short walk before breakfast. It was really mysterious atmosphere. We could not see a…


Quiet at night

When we went out in Monsant in Portugal at night for dinner, the village was totally dark and quiet. Nobody was walking. We went to a restaurant which was listed in our…


Ruin of a castle on top

On top of the hill where Monsanto village is situated, there is a ruin of a castle. After arriveing in the village, we tried a few times to go up there, but…


There is no ATMs in the village

What we found in Monsanto in Portugal when we did shopping was that only credit cards issued in Portugal can be used. Also, there is no ATMs in the village. We did…


Lunch and shopping at a stylish shop

It was early afternoon when we arrived at Monsanto in Portugal. First, we looked for somewhere to eat. We went in to a shop on Rua do Castelo, a slope from the…


Boulder in the bathroom

The accommodation we stayed in the village, Monsanto in Portugal was Taverna Lusitana. It was a B&B which has got only two rooms, but the room was surprisingly nice. We were prepared…


Village called Monsanto

Monsanto is a small village in central Portugal. I saw a photograph of this village a few years ago and since then I have always wanted to visit here. This village consists…


Excellent Egg Tart

This is a photo of the egg tarts I ate at a cafe in Entroncamento station in Portugal. We left very early on the day and missed breakfast, so I ate this…


From Coimbra to Monsanto

Our second destination in Portugal was a small village called Monsanto. To get there, we got up early and took a taxi to Coimbra B station. Then, we took 8:01am Lisbon train and got off…