walk in the old town

walk in the old town

[ Aug.2016 ] After our fabulous dinner, we took a taxi and moved on to the old town in Warsaw.

Our destination was Old Town Market Place.

The reason was that when I visited here about 15 years ago, I remembered being impressed by those beautiful buildings which were rebuilt elaborately after being completely destroyed during the war.

When we came close to the old town, we found that they were holding a bicycle race Poland, Warsaw - bicycle race, Aug.2016on the day and many roads were closed, so the taxi could go up to a certain point which was still long way away from the Market Place and we walked a lot to get there.

On the way, we saw some amber shops.

Although we already saw a great many amber accessories in Gdansk, we popped in to one of the shops and it confirmed our thinking that if you want to buy some amber, it has to be in Gdansk.

Poland, Warsaw - amber dress, Aug.2016In Warsaw, the feeling of the shops were nothing more than souvenir shops and the knowledge of the staff were much worse than in Gdansk.

It took a long time to get to the Market Place and by the time we arrived, the sun had already set.

Maybe because of that, the square did not look as beautiful as I remembered.

Both my mum and my husband looked disappointed, too.

That is because after seeing so many colourful buildings in Gdansk, these ones in the Market Place were not so impressive.

The impression you get from somewhere is changeable, isn’t it.