Statue of Shiva without head

Statue of Shiva without head

[ Jan.2015 ] There is a statue of Shiva in the ruin of My Son in Vietnam.

“Why is there no head?” Mr.Hai, our guide asked in Japanese.

I think his way of guiding us with the questions was very good.

Because of that, we think about it and when we get the right answer, we remember it better.

This time some members of the tour group gave some guesses like “Stolen by theaves” “Broken by Muslims” and so on.

The correct answer was interesting.

Shive was the most important god for Cham people of Chmpa Kingdom who made My Son, so to get people’s love and respect, then king had it made look like his face.

And when the king changed, the new king did the same, changing the head of the statue.

This repeated again and again, so the head was easily fallen.

By the way, the Shiva was androgyny, having both genders.

Mr.Hai said “not a gay”.