Isle of Iona, the spiritual island

Isle of Iona, the spiritual island

[Aug. 2010] During our island tour in the Highlands of Scotland, after getting 120% satisfaction on Isle of Staffa, we visited Isle of Iona next.

an isolated house on Isle of Iona
a white house on the green island

I remember my old colleague spending her holiday here, expressing her impression of the island as “a place where the heart is washed.”

Iona is known as a spiritual islet, and there must be something to feel for sensitive people.

It is said that St. Columba, who was born in Ireland and spread Christianity in Scotland, first arrived at this island in 563 AD and built a monastery here.

very old Celtic Cross on the Isle of Iona
the Celtic Cross standing here for centuries

The monastery ruins that can be seen from the sea were the highlight of this island.

The building we could see now was newer and said to be from the 13th century, but there was the Celtic cross from the time of St. Columba.

Also, there is an old graveyard, and 48 ancient Scottish kings are sleeping here.

It was written in the guidebook that one of them was Macbeth.

I did not know that Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” actually existed.

Luckily, the weather kept well, and the blue of the sky, the green of the grass, and the emerald green of the sea were vivid and refreshing.

Near the ruins of the monastery, there was a shop specialising in making and selling accessories with the Celtic cross as a motif.

Apparently, all the silver crosses were modeled on real crosses, and the lady who was making them told me that the one I chose was the one “on the left side of the entrance of the Abbey.”

amazing colour of the sea on the Isle of Iona
the colour of the sea was wonderful

This was a good souvenir to remember this island.

Then we had a hamburger lunch at one of the few restaurants (which was rather a snack bar).

The slow flow of time on the remote islands of Okinawa in Japan is called “island time”, but maybe it is the same for the remote islands of Scotland, it took a long time for them to serve it.

We hurriedly ate it when it was finally served and we returned to the port.

The colour of the sea at this time was the best.

It was a deep blue-green that made me think of tropical countries.

So the blue of the sea and the water temperature are not connected.

Now that the island tour was over, we just returned to Oban.

That evening, we had a delicious raw oyster and sea bream dinner at a restaurant called EE USK.

It seems true that Oban is Scottish Seafood Capital.

After the meal, we went to see a song and dance show recommended by our tour guide, Michael.

the show in Oban
the very enjoyable show in Oban

Admission was only £ 5.

But the performances were very good, the audiences were involved and we all enjoyed it.

And most of all, the little boy in a kilt in the audience was a super star.

He danced to the music and even bowed, so he received a big cheer.

We bought two CDs that were sold here.

Music is also a good memory of the trip.