Sicily at last
…in Portugal that is still fresh in our memory. Last year, we were able to cancel most of the flights and accommodations we had booked for free, but only the…
…in Portugal that is still fresh in our memory. Last year, we were able to cancel most of the flights and accommodations we had booked for free, but only the…
…takes me by surprise. the wide view of Modica In the complicated long history of Sicily, being occupied by various powers such as Greece and Arabs, it seems that various…
…on the train seemed to be an employee of Trenitalia (a railway company that used to be the national railway of Italy), and he was telling his companion that this…
…about 3 km northwest of the old town. We could have walked, but we took the bus. With our Dubrovnik Pass, we could ride the bus for free. on the…
…In addition to this Jeta, we had sausage and Iberico lomo of 1/2 dish each. It was a completely vegetable free meal. This meal was cheap at €28.80 in total….
…takes me by surprise. the wide view of Modica In the complicated long history of Sicily, being occupied by various powers such as Greece and Arabs, it seems that various…
[2014年4月]英放送局チャネル4が今月9日に放送する番組「Dead Famous DNA (歴史的有名人のDNA)」の中で、第二次大戦中にユダヤ人を抹消したアドルフ・ヒトラーが自殺直前に結婚したエヴァ・ブラウンの祖先が、ユダヤ人だった可能性があることが明らかになる。 ヒトラーの私的隠れ家だったドイツのバイエルン地方ベルグホフの家に残されたブラウンのものとされるヘアブラシに残っていた毛髪をDNA鑑定したところ、母から娘に何世代にも渡って変わらずに受け継がれる組織が、主に中東欧に定住したユダヤ人、アシュケナージに見られるものであったという。 ドイツに定住したアシュケナージの多くが19世紀にカトリックに改宗していることから、ブラウン自身、祖先がユダヤ人であったことは知らなかったと推定される。 ただ、番組ではブラウンの血縁の子孫へDNA鑑定を頼んだところ、断られたといい、鑑定した毛髪がブラウンのものであったかどうかについて、100%の確証は得られなかったとしている。 原文は こちらです。…
…said “There are many women in Finland”. It is true. When I looked around the restaurant, 100% of the workers were women and about 80% of the customers were women,…
…visto che erano gia’ affini alle maschere per via del carnevale. Anche ad Arezzo, in cui la popolazione e’ meno di 100 mila abitanti l’atmosfera della festa si respirava intensamente….