Walking in nature

…birds come to eat them. When the temperature goes up, the female ants come out of the nest as well. After that male ants start flying and female ants follow…

Hermoso Asolo

…ventana tenía su maceta con flores, lo que hacía que la ciudad estuviese muy bonita. Como era ya casi la hora de la comida, fuimos a un encantador restaurante en…

Una piovosa Villa de Leyva

100 euro) era una cena a buffet con niente di speciale. Poi unico caso in Colombia dove le persone ci hanno fatto quasi sempre una buon impressione, in questo hotel…

Rainy Villa de Leyva

…which was not so special, though it cost as much as COP320000 (about 96 pounds or 100 euros), which was really disappointing. The staff were rather curt, which was rare…

Mangiare il pesce a Topsham

…delle stanze nelle loro case dove servivano bevande alcoliche ed altri servizi. C’erano un qualcosa come 100 bar in questo piccolo villaggio. Tuttavia, dopo 150 e’ cambiato completamente e adesso…

Walk in Sawara

…shop selling ‘soy sauce ice cream’, which sounds awful, but when I tried, the taste was surprisingly good. Another shop was exhibiting an artwork of 100 origami cranes made from…