Gorgeous pendant

Gorgeous pendant

[ Mar.2014 ] On the day we walked along the walking course in Toledo in my guide book, we went to Taller del Moro, but found that it was closed.

So instead, we went into a pendant shop in front.

In Toledo, a craft work called Damasquinado is one of the specialities.

It is an inlay work to make patterns by gold thread.

This technique is apparently taught by Arabs.

The man in the shop spent one year in Japan to do the demonstration of making pendants in the Disney Land.

He, who lived in Kayabacho in Tokyo, said ” the year in Japan was my lifetime memory”.

The photo is the one I bought there.

There were similar pendants sold other souvenir shops, but not exactly like this one with the turquoise in it.

He was using amethyst and malachite, too.

The big one was quite expensive, so I decided to be satisfied with this size (about 2.5 cm diameter).

The name of the shop is Artesania Taller del Moro.