Eravamo giร  stati in quest’albergo a Parigi

[ Mar.2015] Siamo stati in un albergo chiamato Best Western Opera d’Antin, sempre a Parigi. L’aspetto migliore di questo albergo è sicuramente l’ubicazione. È infatti molto conveniente, essendo situato vicino…

Un pollo tabaka molto buono

…taxi ci ha accompagnato all’hotel che era uno dei migliori Best Western hotel del mondo. La stanza non aveva nulla di speciale, ma in questa città sembra essere considerato il…

At night

…it seemed a famous place which was listed in our guide book. They gave us one of the best tables which was just next to the stage and the dance…

Restaurant ‘Teatro’

…It is not really a touristic town here, though. To find a good restaurant like this one in an unfamiliar town, the best thing to do is to ask some…

Udon of Kagawa

…everywhere in the town, but in my opinion (and my Japanese friend agreed with me) the best one is located in front of our hotel and the name is Tenteko….

USSR, Moscow 1980 – 3

…later we went to Bolshoi Theatre to see “Don Quixote”, a ballet performed by the best Russian dancers of that moment, famous all over the world. I was impressed because…

Delicioso pollo Tabaka

…cogimos una mesa en la otra sala, aunque a veces mi esposo se pasaba a ver el cómo iba el partido a la sala contigua. En el restaurante, comimos bolas…