Selfish weather and politician

…the weather was fine and the colour of the sea was a great combination of emerald green and cobalt blue, but later it changed to grey to olive green along…

Participating the Photomarathon

…along the themes whole day. And on the next day, we uploaded the photos, one photo per theme. In the end, the best photo per theme and overall winner is…

Biggest antique market in Italy

…happened to be the huge antique market day, so we could enjoy this, too. According to the receptionist in the hotel, 800 to 1000 vendors come here from all over…

Golden Wedding, Silver Wedding

…a theme. This year’s theme was a film called The Great Beauty, which won an Oscar as the best foreign film. People could listen to the film dialogues while they…

Visiting a sake brewery again

…in the white part and cloudiness in the navy blue part. In the old days, there was not the skill to polish rice down to 50% of the weight, so…

Back to Niigata Port by ferry

…lives only in the limited places including Sado Island. I was watching the island getting further and further, wondering when or if we would be able to come back. By…

Gorgeous cathedral

…there says ” this is the best example of the gothic art not only in Spain but in the world” and I agree. There used to be the main mosque…

Participating in the Photomarathon

…we could keep taking photos along the themes whole day. And on the next day, we uploaded the photos, one photo per theme. In the end, the best photo per…

Lake Ohrid

[August, 2011] One of the highlights of this Ancient Macedonia tour we joined was this Lake Ohrid. It is listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO and the best summer…