[Dec. 2022] I continue talking about our journey in Spain during the year-end and New Year holidays.
The next day, we left Extremadura and went to Salamanca by bus.
Salamanca is a university town described on the website of the Spanish Tourist Office as “one of the most beautiful World Heritage towns in Spain“.
The bus that left Cáceres at 9:30 arrived in Salamanca around 1:00 pm, about 30 minutes behind schedule.
From the bus window, I could occasionally see cows, sheep, and horses on the gently undulating green land.
But our purpose to come around here was to see and to eat black pigs.
Where are the pigs ?
In Salamanca, we took a taxi from the bus station to the hotel, and since our room wasn’t ready yet, we left our luggage and went to eat.
My husband was searching for a local restaurant which serves local foods during our journey on the bus and found one, so we went there.
It’s called La Viga.
The highlight is a deep-fried pig’s nose or cheek called Jeta (I later found out that it was written as a pig’s face).
It’s quite salty and seems bad for your health, but it’s just so delicious.
This reminded me of another delicious, but bad for health food which we ate in Romania some years ago (having written this, I looked it up and found that it was fried pork fat called Jumari).
All the customers here were drinking beer, as Jeta is perfect snack to go with beer.
We are wine lovers, so we drank red wine by the glass, though.
There was a choice of 1 plate and 1/2 plate for the Jeta, but we who didn’t know anything asked for 1 plate.
And then the portion was generous and too much for us, so we had to leave some, which was a waste and I regretted a lot.
In addition to this Jeta, we had sausage and Iberico lomo of 1/2 dish each.
It was a completely vegetable free meal.
This meal was cheap at €28.80 in total.
After leaving here, we happened to come across an indoor market, where pig snouts, legs, and ears were being sold.
I think that the spirit of not wasting any part is good.